Title Marketing hotela kao pretpostavka razvoja turističke destinacije
Title (english) Hotel Marketing as a Preconditiont Tourist Destination Development
Author Marina Perišić Prodan
Mentor Marcel Meler (mentor)
Committee member Dragan Magaš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marcel Meler (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dina Lončarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija
Defense date and country 2015-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 338.48 - Tourism
Abstract Usvajanjem marketinške koncepcije u hotelskim poslovnim subjektima, a u cilju povezivanja uspješnosti poslovanja i postizanja sinergijskih učinaka suradnje s dionicima u turističkoj destinaciji, a poglavito suradnjom između hotelskih poslovnih subjekata i turistčikih zajednica, moguće je odgovoriti izazovima koje nameće suvremeno turističko okruženje, te postići suvremeni destinacijski razvoj turizma. U cilju procjene razine implementiranosti marketinške koncepcije u hotelskim poslovnim
... More subjektima, te njezinog utjecaja na uspješnost poslovanja i suradnju s dionicima u turističkoj destinaciji, provedeno je istraživanje među hotelskim poslovnim subjektima i turističkim zajednicama Primorsko-goranske i Istarske županije. Također, analizom rezultata istraživanja turističkih destinacija Primorsko-goranske i Istarske županije, a temeljem kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih pokazatelja razvoja turizma destinacije, proveden je hotelski i destinacijski benchmarking odabranih županija. U cilju dokazivanja postavljenih hipoteza, korištene su brojne statistike metode. Posebna pozornost usmjerena je na analizu marketinške koncepcije i njezin utjecaj na uspješnost poslovanja hotelskih poslovnih subjekata, intenzitet suradnje s dionicima, te učinkovitost suradnje s turističkim zajednicama pri planiranju i realizaciji marketinških aktivnosti turističke destinacije. Istraživanje je potvrdilo potrebu intenziviranja implementacije marketinške koncepcije, te ukazalo na prednosti i mogunosti primjene iste s ciljem postizanja veće uspješnosti poslovanja, te bolje suradnje s dionicima u turističkoj destinaciji, kao i učinkovitije suradnje s turističkim zajednicama. Rezultati dobiveni istraživanjem indikativni su za marketinške menadžere hotelskih poslovnih subjekata koji nastoje unaprijediti vlastito poslovanje, bez obzira na razinu implementiranosti marketinške koncepcije u poslovanju. Nadalje, rezultati dobiveni istraživanjem mogu poslužiti u praksi svim dionicima u turističkoj destinaciji, a poglavito menadžmentu turističkih zajednica, kako bi doprinijeli poboljšanju kvalitete turističke ponude i time odgovorili na suvremene zahtjeve turističkog tržišta. Less
Abstract (english) It is possible to respond to the challenges imposed by modern tourism surroundings and to achieve a modern development of tourist destinations by adopting a marketing concept in hotel businesses. This has the purpose of increasing business success and attaining a synergic effect when cooperating with stakeholders in the tourist destination, but mostly the purpose is for hotel businesses and tourist boards to cooperate. In order to assess the level of implementation of the marketing
... More concept in hotel businesses, as well as its effect on business success and the cooperation with stakeholders in the tourists destination, research was carried out among hotel businesses and tourist boards within the Croatian counties Primorje - Gorski Kotar and Istria. Furthermore, after the research results for tourist destinations located in the counties Primorje - Gorski Kotar and Istria were analysed based on quantitative and qualitative indicators for the development of tourist destinations, hotel and destination benchmarking for the selected counties was carried out. Numerous statistical methods were applied in order to prove the previously defined hypotheses. Particular emphasis was placed on analysing the marketing concept and its influence on the business success of hotel businesses, the intensity of cooperation with stakeholders and the effectiveness of cooperation with tourist boards when planning and implementing marketing activities in the tourist destination. The research has confirmed a need for intensifying the implementation of the marketing concept and it has identified the advantages and possibilities of applying the marketing concept in order to increase the business success and to better cooperate with stakeholders in the tourist destination, as well as to cooperate more efficiently with tourist boards. The results gained by this research are indicative for marketing managers of hotel businesses who are trying to improve their business, irrespective of the level to which the marketing concept has been implemented in their business. Moreover, the results of this research can be useful in everyday business for all stakeholders in the tourist destination, especially for tourist board managers, in order for them to be able to contribute to improving the quality of the tourist offer and thus respond to the modern demands of the tourism market. Less
marketinška koncepcija
turistička destinacija.
Keywords (english)
marketing concept
tourist destination.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:191:733258
Study programme Title: Business Administration in Tourism and Hospitality Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2018-03-21 17:10:12