Abstract | Suvremeni uvjeti poslovanja nameću današnjim organizacijama da moraju neprekidno biti kreativne kako bi opstale na tržištu i unaprijedile svoje poslovanje. Globalizacija, konstantne promjene u radnoj snazi, sve više informiraniji kupci uzrokuju enormne promjene na suvremenom tržištu. Kreativnost u menadžmentu odnosi se na istraživanje i primjenu drugačijih pristupa poslovanju. Na općem planu to je kreiranje poslovne strategije za organizacijsku promjenu, a na operativnom razvoj novih proizvoda i usluga ili uvođenje inovacija u poslovanju.
Koncept konkurentnosti prometnuo se u pitanje od značaja kako za predstavnike akademske zajednice tako i za kreatore ekonomske politike i predstavnike poslovnog sektora. Važnost koncepta ogleda se i u činjenici da se izučava na razini država, regija, industrija i poduzeća. Konkurentnost se promatra kao sposobnost organizacije da ostvari bolje rezultate poslovanja, poveća tržišni udio ili općenito nadmaši svoju konkurenciju.
Unutar ekonomije i menadžmenta moguće je pronaći nekoliko objašnjenja teorijskih osnova konkurentnosti. U osnovi postojećih objašnjenja nalazi se pretpostavka o postojanju uvjeta nesavršene tržišne konkurencije. U navedenim uvjetima poduzeća imaju mogućnost diferencijacije od konkurenata izgradnjom konkurentskih prednosti. Razvojem misli o konkurentnosti razvijala se i svijest o važnosti kreativnosti za konkurentnost i rezultate poslovanja poduzeća. U teoriji menadžmenta kreativnost se najčešće sagledava sa dva aspekta. Prvi je da se kreativnost smatra odstupanjem od uobičajenog, konvencionalnog i ističe njena različitost tj. inovativnost. Drugo viđenje jeste da je kreativnim osobama potrebna sloboda kako bi mogli iskazati svoj talent ili viziju. Same organizacije moraju na najbolji način razvijati kreativnost svojih zaposlenika na putu do dobrih ideja. Za to su neophodni motivirani i višedisciplinarni timovi, koji mogu osigurati kreativne ideje. Obzirom da je poticanje organizacijske kreativnosti i uvođenje novih proizvoda i usluga od presudne važnosti za opstanak poduzeća u suvremenim uvjetima poslovanja, samim time i za gospodarstvo, bitno je istražiti na koji bi način poduzeća u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu mogla potaknuti organizacijsku kreativnost i na taj način ostvariti konkurentsku prednost na suvremenom tržištu.
Cilj doktorske disertacije je bio odgovoriti na pitanje može li poticanje kreativnosti unutar organizacija pomoći pri osmišljavanju kvalitetnijeg upravljanja i postizanja održive konkurentske prednosti.
Ova doktorska disertacija rezultat je primarnih i sekundarnih izvora istraživanja. Sekundarni izvori istraživanja su dovedeni u korelaciju sa recentnim izvorima iz oblasti organizacijske kreativnosti i konkurentske prednosti. Budući da nema sličnih radova koji istražuju povezanost tema organizacijske kreativnosti i konkurentske prednosti poduzeća u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, kako u stranoj tako i u domaćoj literaturi ova doktorska disertacija doprinosi znanosti kako u teorijsko-metodološkom, tako i u aplikatvnom aspektu.
Rezultati ekonometrijske analize pružaju potporu svim hipotezama istraživanja. Dokazan je pozitivan utjecaj kreativnosti na konkurentsku prednost kao i veličine poduzeća na upravljanje kreativnosti. Istraživanje je također identificiralo i nekoliko kanala koji doprinose uspješnosti upravljanja kreativnosti. Pored ovih nalaza istraživanje je uključilo i niz kontrolnih varijabli čiji rezultati sugeriraju kako vlasništvo, lokacija i iskustvo menadžmenta pored upravljanja kreativnosti imaju presudnu ulogu u formiranju konkurentnosti poduzeća.
Model istraživanja i rezultati istraživanja mogu biti implementirani i primijenjeni u organizacijama koje žele upravljati i potaknuti kreativnost u cilju povećanja konkurentske prednosti. Jednako tako rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na važnost poticanja i razvoja organizacijske kreativnosti. |
Abstract (english) | Contemporary business conditions impose on today’s organisations the need to constantly be creative in order to survive on the market and improve business activities. Globalisation, continuous changes in work force, increasingly informed clients cause significant changes on the modern market. Creativity in management refers to the research and application of different approaches to business. On the general plan, this refers to the creation of a business strategy for organisational change, whereas on the operational plan, this can refer to the development of new products and services or the introduction of innovations into business activities.
The concept of competitiveness has become an important issue for representatives of the academic community as well as for creators of economic policy and business sector representatives. The importance of the concept is also reflected in the fact that it is studied on state, regional, industrial and company level. Competitiveness is considered to be an organisation’s ability to achieve better business results, increase its market share or to surpass its competitors in general.
Within the field of economy and management it is possible to find several explanations of the theoretical basis of competitiveness. In the stated conditions, companies have the possibility to differentiate themselves from their competitors by building competitive advantages.
With the development of the idea of competitiveness, awareness of the importance of creativity for competitiveness and business results has also evolved. In management theory, creativity is most commonly viewed from two perspectives. The first perspective considers creativity to be the deviation from the usual and conventional, and its diversity i.e. innovativeness is emphasized. The second perspective is that creative individuals need freedom in order to be able to show their talent and vision. Organisations themselves must, in the best way, develop their employees’ creativity on the path to good ideas. For this, motivated and multidisciplinary teams are needed, able to come up with creative ideas. Since fostering organisational creativity and the introduction of new products and services is of key importance for a company’s survival under current business conditions, and thus for the economy as well, it is important to explore in what way companies in tourism and the hospitality industry can stimulate organisational creativity and thus create a competitive advantage on the modern market.
The aim of the doctoral dissertation was to answer the question of whether creativity stimulation within organizations could help in designing better management and achieving sustainable competitive advantage.
The doctoral dissertation is a contribution to science both in theoretical and methodological and in the applicative aspect.
The theoretical and methodological scientific contribution is as follows:
Scientifically based analysis of creativity as an essential element of achieving sustainable competitive advantage measured by quantitative indicators,
Concept of the theoretical model of the organizational creativity management,
The theoretical framework applicable to future research has been developed,
Implementation of theoretical and methodological knowledge of organizational creativity and competitive advantages of businesses in the tourism and hospitality industry,
A model of connection between organizational creativity and competitive advantage of businesses in the tourism and hospitality industry has been established,
A scientific explanation of correlation and intensity of the degree of creativity and competitive advantage of businesses in the tourism and hospitality industry has been provided,
Empirical scientific contribution is the following:
It has been established as to whether and to what extent organizational creativity influences the achievement of competitive advantage,
The level of organizational creativity and the elements that primarily affect it has been defined and established respectively,
The manner in which these elements affect the achievement of the company's competitive advantage in the tourism and hospitality industry has been established,
Potential problems that directly affect the implementation of creativity have been identified.
Questions based on the research instrument were posed to high, medium and low level managers in the tourism and hospitality sector in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina as the target research respondents. The collected data and econometric analysis were processed using Stata 13 statistical software. The hypothesis testing and verification was performed on a sample of 581 businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector operating in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This doctoral dissertation is the result of primary and secondary research sources. Secondary sources of research have been brought into correlation with recent sources in the field of organisational creativity and competitive advantage. Considering that there are no similar papers exploring the link between the topics covering organizational creativity and competitive advantage of businesses in the tourism and hospitality industry, either in foreign or domestic literature, this doctoral dissertation contributes to science both in the theoretical and methodological and the applicative aspect.
The econometric analysis results corroborate all of the research hypotheses. A positive impact of creativity on competitive advantage as well as the size of a business on creativity management has been proven. The research also identified several channels contributing to the effectiveness of creativity management. In addition to these findings, the research also included a number of control variables the results of which suggest that, apart from creativity management, ownership, location, and management experience play a crucial role in shaping the business's competitiveness.
The research model and research results can be implemented and applied in organizations willing to manage and encourage creativity in order to increase the competitive advantage. Likewise, the research results point at the importance of encouraging and developing organizational creativity. |