Abstract | Prema drevnoj legendi, jedna od najmoćnijih sila i najvećih civilizacija, Rim sagrađen je na sedam brežuljaka, a njegov osnivač, kasnije i prvi kralj, bio je Romul. Kroz višetisućljetnu povijest grad se postepeno razvijao, ostavljajući i danas impresivne tragove bogate povijesti prisutne u svakom kutku grada. Njegova se autentičnost očituje kroz tri velike epohalne snage koje su objedinjene u gradu: grčka kultura, Rimsko carstvo i kršćanstvo. Šetnjom kroz „Vječni grad“ kojeg krase djela različitih arhitektonskih stilova, znamenitosti antičkog Rima, impozantni spomenici čine ga gradom s najvećim brojem povijesne, arheološke i arhitektonske baštine na svijetu. Među najveličanstvenijim rimskim bogatstvima našli su se Kolosej, Carski forumi, Kapitolij, Rimski forum, Villa Borghese, Panteon i Bazilika sv. Petra. Osim kulturnog turizma, turističku ponudu glavnoga grada Italije, koja se razlikuje od ponuda ostalih gradova na konkurentnom tržištu, nadopunjuje gastronomska ponuda sa segmentima eno turizma, održivog turizma, kongresnog turizma, brojne modne ulice kao dio shopping turizma te sportski turizam. Različite vrste turizma, povijesna baština, pogodan položaj, ponuda obogaćena manifestacijama i beskrajnim mogućnosti zabave, svrstavaju Rim među najposjećenije gradove Europe s rekordnim brojem ostvarenih turističkih dolazaka od oko 35 milijuna u 2023. godini. Rim je danas važno cestovno i željezničko čvorište s razvijenim industrijama poput metalne, prehrambene, kemijske, tekstilne i filmske. Kao dom najmanje države na svijetu, Vatikana, Rim je postao srcem vjere i središtem Katoličke crkve te njenog poglavara Pape. Vatikan kao jedno od najsvetijih mjesta koje povezuje vjersku i kulturno – povijesnu baštinu privlači mnoge vjernike svijeta koji sudjeluju u praksi hodočašća čime se ostvaruju pozitivni učinci na rast ekonomije. |
Abstract (english) | According to ancient legend, one of the most powerful force and the greatest civilizations, Rome was built on seven hills, and its founder, later the first king, was Romulus. Throughout the thousand-year history, the city gradually developed, leaving even today impressive traces of the rich history present in every corner of the city. Its authenticity is manifested through three great epochal forces that are united in the city: Greek culture, the Roman Empire and Christianity. A walk through the "Eternal City" which is decorated with works of different architectural styles, landmarks of ancient Rome, imposing monuments make it the city with the largest number of historical, archaeological and architectural heritage in the world. Among the most magnificent monuments of Rome are The Colosseum, the Imperial Forums, the Capitol, the Roman Forum, Villa Borghese, the Pantheon and the St Peter's Basilica. In addition to cultural tourism, the tourist offer of the capital of Italy, which differs from the offers of other cities on the competitive market, is complemented by a gastronomic offer with segments of eno tourism, elements of sustainable tourism, congress tourism, numerous fashion streets as part of shopping tourism and sports tourism. Various types of tourism, historical heritage, convenient location, an offer enriched with events and endless entertainment possibilities, rank Rome among the most visited cities in Europe with a record number of tourist arrivals of around 35 million in 2023. Today, Rome is an important road and railway junction, with developed industries such as metal, food, chemical, textile and film. As the home of the smallest state in the world, the Vatican, Rome has become the heart of faith and the center of the Catholic Church and its head, the Pope. The Vatican, as one of the holiest places that connects religious and cultural-historical heritage, attracts many workshipers who participate in the practice of pilgrimage, which has positive effects on the growth of the economy. |
Study programme | Title: Business Economics in Tourism and Hospitality; moduls: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management; specializations in: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management, Tourism Management; Hospitality Management; International Tourism and Hospitality Management; Event and Leisure Management, Menadžment u hotelijerstvu; Hospitality Management Course: Tourism Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije) |