Title Kongresni turizam grada Dubrovnika
Title (english) Congress tourism of the city of Dubrovnik
Author Margareta Gajski
Mentor Daniela Gračan (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija
Defense date and country 2019-07-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Kongresni turizam je jedan od oblika turizma posebnog interesa, u kojemu je primarni
motiv putovanja sudjelovanje na kongresima i obavljanje lukrativnih aktivnosti. Vrlo često se
za kongresni turizam upotrebljava akronim M.I.C.E., koji označava industriju poslovnih
sastanaka. Iako je čovjek oduvijek putovao, pa i motiviran poslom, nemoguće je odrediti kada
se točno pojavio i razvio kongresni turizma, zbog podjeljenih mišljenja autora. Značaj
kongresnog turizma u razvoju destinacije se
... More najviše ogleda u produljenju turističke sezone i
turističkoj potrošnji, koja je kod poslovnih turista znatno veća nego kod klasičnih turista. Prema
podacima Svjetske turističke organizacije, Europa je vodeća makro regija svijeta po broju
turističkih dolazaka i prihoda od turizma. Međutim, prema podacima ICCA-za 2017. godinu,
SAD je vodeća država po broju održanih međunarodnih kongresa, dok su europski gradovi
Barcelona, Pariz, Beč, Berlin vodeći gradovi prema broju održanih kongresa. Iako se Hrvatska
ne nalazi na laskavom mjestu (38.) prema broju održanih međunarodnih kongresa, ona
posjeduje potencijale za razvoj kongresnog turizma, a upravo su Zagreb, Dubrovnik i Opatija
vodeće kongresne destinacije u Hrvatskoj. Dubrovnik je ponos hrvatskog turizma i mnoge
turiste privlači upravo svojom bogatom kulturnom i povijesnom baštinom, te prirodnim
ljepotama. Iako znatno manji od Zagreba, Dubrovnik ima preko 8.000 kongresnih kapaciteta te
je izravnim zrakoplovnim linijama odlično povezan sa ostatkom Hrvatske i Europom, unatoč
lošije razvijenoj cestovnoj povezanosti. Dubrovnik je dosada primio mnoga priznanja kao
odličnna kongresna destinacija, što potvrđuje činjenica da je bio domaćinom poznatih svjetskih
tvrtki, te konkurira ponekim europskim metorpoloma kao što su Prag i Budimpešta. Izvrsna
prilika za daljnji razvoj kongresnog turizma Dubrovnik bila bi izgradnja multinamjenskog
kongresnog centra kapaciteta do 3.500 sudionika, te izgradnja golf terena na Srđu. Less
Abstract (english) Congress tourism is one of the forms of special interes tourism, in which the primary
motive of traveling is participation in congresses and lucrative activities. Very often acronym
M.I.C.E. is used for congress touirm, although it represents the industry of meetings. Although
man has always traveled and was motivated by work, it is impossible to determine when the
congress has exactly emerged and developed tourism because of the shared opinions of the
authors. The significance of
... More congress tourism in the development of the destination is mostly
reflected in the extension of the tourist season and tourist spending, which is significantly higher
in business tourists than in case of classical tourists. According to the World Tourism
Organization, Europe is the leading macro region of the world by the number of tourist arrivals
and tourism revenues. However, according to ICCA data for 2017, the US is the leading country
by number of international congresses, while European cities Barcelona, Paris, Vienna, and
Berlin are the leading cities according to the number of congresses held. Although Croatia is
not on the most flattering place (38th), according to the number of international congresses, it
surley has potentials for developing congress tourism, and Zagreb, Dubrovnik and Opatija are
the leading congress destinations in Croatia. Dubrovnik is a pride of Croatian tourism and many
tourists are attracted to it by its rich cultural and historical heritage and natural beauties.
Although considerably smaller than Zagreb, Dubrovnik has over 8,000 congress facilities, and
direct flights which connect it with the rest of Croatia and Europe, despite the poorly developed
road connections. Dubrovnik has so far received many awards as an excellent congress
destination, which is confirmed by the fact that it has hosted famous world companies and ialso
competes with European metropolises such as Prague and Budapest. A great opportunity for
further development of Dubrovnik's congress tourism would be the construction of a multifunctional
congress center with a capacity up to 3,500 participants and the construction of a
golf pitch on Srđ. Less
kongresni turizam
Keywords (english)
congress tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:191:734864
Study programme Title: Business Administration in Tourism and Hospitality Management; moduls: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management; specializations in: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management Course: Tourism Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-04-07 07:16:16