Title Prirodni turistički resursi Tajlanda
Title (english) Thailand's Natural Tourism Resources
Author Karmen Bucul
Mentor Hrvoje Grofelnik (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija
Defense date and country 2021-07-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Danas, kad turizam predstavlja jednu od vodećih svjetskih industrija, velik broj zemalja ulaže u svoj turistički razvoj u svrhu konkuriranja na svjetskom tržištu. Tajland, kao jedna od najmoćnijih i najpopularnijih zemalja Jugoistočne Azije, predstavlja primjer uspješne turističke destinacije, svake godine privlačeći sve veći broj domaćih i stranih turista. Za razliku od ostalih zemalja Jugoistočne Azije, Tajland bilježi najslabiji razvoj industrijskog sektora te iz tog razloga gotovo sav prihod za državu dolazi od strane turizma. Prilično se kasno počeo uključivati u svjetski turizam i u vrlo je kratkom razdoblju zabilježio iznimno velik porast međunarodnih turističkih dolazaka. Nagli razvoj turizma u Tajlandu doveo je do određenih problema u državi, poput toga da je koncentracija turizma najveća u primorju i oko glavnog grada Bangkoka, čime su do izražaja došle regionalne razlike i njihov nejednaki razvoj. Pojavio se i problem sve težeg riješavanja siromaštva u zemlji, kao i povećanje kriminala. Negativnu sliku tajlandskog turizma stvara i seks-turizam koji se prvi put pojavio 1960.-ih godina tijekom Vijetnamskog rata, a traje i danas i razlog je međunarodnih dolazaka brojnih turista. S pozitivne strane, zadnjih se godina sve više razvija medicinski turizam Tajlanda, koji privlači brojne turiste iz najrazvijenijih dijelova svijeta. Atraktivnost Tajlanda kao destinacije medicinskog turizma svakako je povezana uz cijenu, koja je niža nego u zemljama Zapada, a liječnici koje tajlandske privatne bolnice zapošljavaju nerijetko su školovani na prestižnim fakultetima razvijenih zemalja poput SAD-a i Australije.
Tajland je bogat prirodnim atrakcijama te brojnim kulturno-povijesnim znamenitostima. S obizirom da je jedna od rijetkih država Jugoistočne Azije koja nije nikad bila osvojena od strane kolonijalnih sila, kulturno-povijesne znamenitosti ove države su gotovo potpuno tradicionalne i autentične te obilježuju različita razdoblja bogate tajlandske povijesti. Što se tiče njegovih prirodnih atrakcija, Tajland je bogat raznolikim biljnim vrstama, od kojih su najpoznatije orhideje te životinjskim vrstama poput tigrova, slonova i brojnih vrsta ptica. Bogat je i geomorfološkim turističkim resursima poput planina i špilja, okružen Andamanskim morem i Tajlandskim zaljevom, raspolažući s brojnim otocima i arhipelazima. Uz mora, sadrži velik broj rijeka i jezera te zaštićena područja poput nacionalnih parkova.
Abstract (english) Today, when tourism is one of the world's leading industries, a large number of countries are investing in their tourism development in order to compete in the world market. Thailand, as one of the most powerful and popular countries in Southeast Asia, is an example of a successful tourist destination, attracting an increasing number of domestic and foreign tourists every year. Unlike other countries in Southeast Asia, Thailand records the weakest development of the industrial sector, and for this reason almost all revenue for the country comes from tourism. It started to get involved in world tourism quite late and in a very short period of time it recorded an extremely large increase in international tourist arrivals. The rapid development of tourism in Thailand has led to certain problems in the country, such as the concentration of tourism being biggest on the coastal area and in its capital Bangkok, causing regional differences and their uneven development. There was also the problem of increasingly difficult poverty alleviation in the country, as well as an increase in crime. The negative image of Thai tourism is also created by sex tourism, which first appeared in the 1960s during the Vietnam War, and continues today and is the reason for the international arrivals of many tourists. On the positive side, medical tourism in Thailand has been developing more and more in recent years, attracting many tourists from the most developed parts of the world. The attractiveness of Thailand as a medical tourism destination is certainly related to the price, which is lower than in Western countries, and doctors employed by Thai private hospitals are often educated at prestigious colleges in developed countries such as the US and Australia.Thailand has lots of natural attractions and numerous cultural and historical sights. Given that it is one of the few countries in Southeast Asia that has never been conquered by colonial powers, the cultural and historical sights of this country are almost completely traditional and authentic, and mark different periods of Thai history. As for its natural attractions, Thailand is rich in a variety of plant species, the most famous of which are orchids, and animal species such as tigers, elephants and numerous bird species. It is also rich in geomorphological tourist resources such as mountains and caves, surrounded by the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, with numerous islands and archipelagos. Along the sea, it contains a large number of rivers and lakes, and protected areas such as national parks.
prirodne atrakcije
kulturno-povijesne znamenitosti
Keywords (english)
natural attractions
cultural and historical sights
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:191:668493
Study programme Title: Business Administration in Tourism and Hospitality Management; moduls: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management; specializations in: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management, Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality; Tourism Management; Hospitality Management; International Tourism and Hospitality Management Course: Tourism Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
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Created on 2022-03-24 16:07:44