Abstract | Proračun kao temeljni financijsko-pravni akt planira i izvršava trošenje javnih sredstava.
Donosi se za period od jedne godine te ga predlaže i odobrava predstavničko tijelo. Proračun
se treba pridržavati određenih proračunskih procesa i načela, a kao najbitnije proračunsko
načelo ističe se načelo proračunske ravnoteže koja zahtjeva da prihodi i rashodi moraju biti
uravnoteženi, odnosno, da ne smije biti suficita ili deficita proračuna. U Republici Hrvatskoj
proračun je propisan Zakonom o proračunu te se on preslikava na zakonske akte nižih razina
(jedinica lokalne i regionalne samouprave), odnosno u slučaju grada Raba, proračun je propisan
Statutom grada Raba. Gradonačelnik grada Raba predlaže proračun, dok ga Gradsko vijeće
odobrava. Cilj istraživanja ovog rada je utvrditi da li se u slučaju proračuna grada Raba poštuju
proračunska načela, te kolika je uspješnost planiranja proračuna za promatrani period 2017.-
2020. godine. Analizom proračuna za period 2017.-2020. godine vidljivo je kako grad Rab ima
problema ponajprije sa pokrivanjem svojih troškova iz prihoda, odnosno tijekom promatranog
perioda zbog sve većeg jaza između prihoda i rashoda ali i zbog deficita prethodnih godina
dolazi do gomilanja gubitaka. Nadalje, analizom planiranog i izvršenog proračuna vidljivo je
kako grad Rab relativno neuspješno planira svoje prihode i rashode jer niti u jednoj promatranoj
godini velike stavke prihoda i rashoda nisu bile uravnotežene sa planom. Troškovi su u
promatranom periodu padali u manjoj mjeri nego prihodi te je došlo do gomilanja proračunskog
deficita koji se ne planira riješiti razvojnim programima u narednom periodu jer ni jedan
razvojni program ne podrazumijeva veće zaposlenje ili povećanje ostalih prihoda |
Abstract (english) | The budget, as a fundamental financial-legal act, plans and executes the spending of public funds.
It is adopted for a period of one year and is proposed and approved by the representative body. Budget
certain budgetary processes and principles should be adhered to, and most importantly, budgetary
principle, the principle of budget balance, which requires that revenues and expenditures must be, stands out
balanced, that is, there should be no budget surplus or deficit. In Republic of Croatia
the budget is prescribed by the Budget Act and it is reflected in lower-level legal acts
(unit of local and regional self-government), that is, in the case of the city of Rab, the budget is prescribed
Statute of the city of Rab. The mayor of Rab proposes the budget, while the City Council proposes it
approves. The aim of the research of this paper is to determine whether in the case of the budget of the city of Rab they are respected
budget principles, and how successful is the budget planning for the observed period of 2017-
in 2020. By analyzing the budget for the period 2017-2020. year, it is evident that the city of Rab has
problems primarily with covering their expenses from income, that is, during the observed period
period due to the growing gap between income and expenditure, but also due to the deficit of previous years
there is an accumulation of losses. Furthermore, the analysis of the planned and executed budget shows that
how the city of Rab relatively unsuccessfully plans its income and expenses because in none of the observed
In 2008, large income and expenditure items were not balanced with the plan. The costs are in
in the observed period fell to a lesser extent than revenues, and there was an accumulation of budget funds
deficit that is not planned to be solved by development programs in the coming period because none
the development program does not imply greater employment or an increase in other incomes |
Study programme | Title: Business Administration in Tourism and Hospitality Management; moduls: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management; specializations in: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management, Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality; Tourism Management; Hospitality Management; International Tourism and Hospitality Management; Event and Leisure Management Course: Tourism Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije) |