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Assesment of convention participants' satisfaction towards the improvement of business tourism offer: a case study of Istria, Croatia
Gračan Daniela
Barkiđija Sotošek Marina
Matošević Rea
Bibliometric analysis of postgraduate dissertations published on the subject of social entrepreneurship in tourism: a comparison of Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States of America
Ozan Aksöz Emre
Itir Can İpek
Mihelj Ervin
Business conditions regional analysis with a reference to potentials in tourism development: the case of Serbia
Mitrović Đorđe
Manić Emilija
Ivanović Slobodan
CCouchsurfing as a modern way of destination exploring
Miljković Jovana
Božović Tamara
Čapeta Ivan
COVID-19 risk management perspectives of the European capital of culture: what now?
S. Dragin Aleksandra
Zadel Zrinka
B. Mijatov Maja
Stojanović Vladimir
Jovanović Tamara
Lazić Lazar
Zelenović Vasiljević Tamara
Milenković Nemanja
Camping tourism experience, satisfaction and loyalty: an empirical study from Croatia
Cegur Radović Tihana
Lončarić Dina
Cvelić Bonifačić Josipa
Challenges in sustainable development of Dubrovnik as a tourist destination
Manzin Alessandro
Design of a workbench and guidelines to improve the efficacy of advertising messages
Folgieri Raffaella
Baldigara Tea
Gričar Sergej
Destination crisis management educational programs – background for better performances
Smolčić Jurdana Dora
Agbaba Romina
Enhancing competitiveness for economic and tourism growth: case of Croatia
Jelušić Adriana
Mikulić Karmen
Foreign language ability in hospitality business
Šuljić Petrc Alenka
Mikinac Krešimir
Miškulin Dolores
Generation Y employee retention in seasonal hotels - concept and measurement Concept and Measurement
Gjurašić Matina
Marković Suzana
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