- Petaković, Ema, Vrtodušić Hrgović, Ana-Marija, Milohnić, InesComparative analysis of the service quality in homestay accommodation
- Drpić, Danijel, Milenkovska Klimoska, Angela, Manestar, DinoContribution of gastronomic tourism for achieving competitiveness of Croatian coastal destinations
- Miljković, Jovana, Božović, Tamara, Čapeta, IvanCouchsurfing as a modern way of destination exploring
- Folgieri, Raffaella, Baldigara, Tea, Gričar, SergejDesign of a workbench and guidelines to improve the efficacy of advertising messages
- Smolčić Jurdana, Dora, Agbaba, RominaDestination crisis management educational programs – background for better performances
- Grofelnik, Hrvoje, Kovačić, NatašaDetermining the impact of tourism on the environment by extracting the carbon footprint of road infrastructure in natural protected areas - case study of the Učka nature park
- Krstinić Nižić, Marinela, Šverko Grdić, Zvonimira, Dekanić, AntonioEnergy - Climate transition in tourism destinations in Croatia
- Jelušić, Adriana, Mikulić, KarmenEnhancing competitiveness for economic and tourism growth: case of Croatia
- Lončarić, Dina, Perišić Prodan, Marina, Župan, DoraExploring catering services quality using mystery shopping
- Alkier, Romina, Okičić, Jasmina, Milojica, VedranFactors of tourists’ perceived safety in the post covid period: the case of Opatija riviera
- Pavia, Nadia, Floričić, Tamara, Mrnjavac, EdnaFlexible workspaces and remote work in hotel accommodation offer – competitiveness context
- Šuljić Petrc, Alenka, Mikinac, Krešimir, Miškulin, DoloresForeign language ability in hospitality business