Sažetak | Otok Pag je otok koji teritorijalno pripada dvjema županijama: Ličko-senjskoj i Zadarskoj.
Što se tiče prometne povezanosti, na otok se može doći trajektom na sjeveru otoka ili preko
Paškog mosta, koji je smješten na jugu. Mreža prometnica na otoku je kvalitetno
organizirana tako da su njome povezani svi gradovi kao i manja mjesta. To je važno u
turističkoj sezoni kada na otok dolaze u velikom broju domaći i strani turisti. Uz javni
prijevoz, na otoku je dostupan i prijevoz privatnih iznajmljivača (automobila, skutera,
bicikala i ostalih prijevoznih sredstava) što dodatno povećava razinu prometne mobilnosti.
Otok Pag oduvijek je poznat kao otok sira, soli, čipke i vrhunske gastronomije. Zadnjih
petnaestak godina, otok je obilježio novi oblik turizma - zabavnog turizma. Otok Pag je
destinacija u kojoj dominiraju atrakcije koje je stvorio čovjek.
Destinacija je doživjela svoj procvat na temelju smještajno-ugostiteljskih osnove, dobre
prometne povezanosti s kopnom i drugim otocima, te zabavnih sadržaja poznatih širom
svijeta. Red plovidbe trajektnih i katamaranskih linija prilagođava se turističkoj potražnji
odnosno mijenja se ovisno o mjesecima u godini. Nakon što je otok Pag postao prometno
povezan s kopnom došlo je do ubrzanog razvoja turizma na otoku. Rad prikazuje
upravljanje mobilnošću, odnosno prometnom potražnjom otoka Paga, u sezoni i izvan nje.
Promatra se turistička mobilnost i mogućnosti koje upravljanje mobilnošću pruža u razvoju
turističke destinacije otoka Paga. Istraživanje koje je provedeno u radu ukazuje da je
prometna infrastruktura na otoku zadovoljavajuća, što se ne može reći i za međugradsku
prometnu povezanost na čijoj kvaliteti i infrastrukturi još treba poraditi. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The island of Pag is an island that territorially belongs to two counties: Lika-Senj and Zadar.
With regard to traffic connections, the island can be reached by ferry to the north of the island
or via Pag Bridge, which is located to the south. The road network on the island is well
organized and it connects all cities as well as smaller towns. This is important during the
tourist season, when domestic and foreign tourists come to the island in large numbers. In
addition to public transport, private rental vehicles such as cars, scooters, bicycles and other
means of transport are also available on the island, which further increases the level of traffic
mobility. The island of Pag has always been known as an island of cheese, salt, lace and
superb gastronomy. For the last fifteen years, it has been marked by a new form of tourism,
entertainment tourism. The island of Pag is a destination dominated by man-made attractions.
The destination has flourished on the basis of accommodation and hospitality, good transport
connections with the mainland and other islands, as well as entertainment facilities which are
known worldwide. The timetable for ferry and catamaran lines is adjusted to the tourist
demand, therefore it changes depending on the months of the year. After Pag became
connected to the mainland, there was an accelerated development of tourism on the island.
This paper portrays the management of mobility, that is, traffic demand of the island of Pag,
both during high season and low season. It examines the tourist mobility and the possibilities
that mobility management offers in the development of the island of Pag as a tourist
destination. The research conducted in this paper indicates that the transport infrastructure on
the island is satisfactory, which cannot be said for the interurban transport connections, the
quality and infrastructure of which have yet to be worked on. |