
Petaković, Ema, Vrtodušić Hrgović, Ana-Marija, Milohnić, Ines
Comparative analysis of the service quality in homestay accommodation
Drpić, Danijel, Milenkovska Klimoska, Angela, Manestar, Dino
Contribution of gastronomic tourism for achieving competitiveness of Croatian coastal destinations
Miljković, Jovana, Božović, Tamara, Čapeta, Ivan
Couchsurfing as a modern way of destination exploring
Folgieri, Raffaella, Baldigara, Tea, Gričar, Sergej
Design of a workbench and guidelines to improve the efficacy of advertising messages
Smolčić Jurdana, Dora, Agbaba, Romina
Destination crisis management educational programs – background for better performances
Grofelnik, Hrvoje, Kovačić, Nataša
Determining the impact of tourism on the environment by extracting the carbon footprint of road infrastructure in natural protected areas - case study of the Učka nature park
Krstinić Nižić, Marinela, Šverko Grdić, Zvonimira, Dekanić, Antonio
Energy - Climate transition in tourism destinations in Croatia
Jelušić, Adriana, Mikulić, Karmen
Enhancing competitiveness for economic and tourism growth: case of Croatia
Lončarić, Dina, Perišić Prodan, Marina, Župan, Dora
Exploring catering services quality using mystery shopping
Alkier, Romina, Okičić, Jasmina, Milojica, Vedran
Factors of tourists’ perceived safety in the post covid period: the case of Opatija riviera
Pavia, Nadia, Floričić, Tamara, Mrnjavac, Edna
Flexible workspaces and remote work in hotel accommodation offer – competitiveness context
Šuljić Petrc, Alenka, Mikinac, Krešimir, Miškulin, Dolores
Foreign language ability in hospitality business
